Apex bug resets Prestige skin progress, Respawn plans fix for ‘early next week’

June 2022 · 2 minute read

Apex Legends’ third Anniversary collection event brought Bloodhound’s Prestige skin, an evolving visual for the Technological Tracker. A day after its release, however, Respawn Entertainment acknowledged an issue that blocked players from getting different variants of the item, and a fix is slated for next week.

Bloodhound’s Prestige skin was a major selling point in the latest event. The skin has three evolving tiers, and unlocking tiers two and three require players to deal damage in matches. The bug really messed things up; it reset progress at the end of each match, making it impossible to obtain it.

Respawn acknowledged the bug earlier today. The developer already has a fix in progress and plans to deploy a fix “early next week.” Respawn is also working on compensation for lost progress but didn’t give any more details.

We are aware of a bug with the Bloodhound Prestige Skin where the damage counter resets in some cases. There is a fix in progress, and we plan to deploy it early next week. In the meantime, we are working on a make-good for lost progress—stay tuned for more details.

— Respawn (@Respawn) February 16, 2022

Bloodhound’s Prestige skin is obtained through unlocking the 24 cosmetics in the Anniversary collection, meaning players can spend over $150 to get all items in the collection. After the event ends, it will be available for 150 Heirloom Shards.

The biggest innovation of Bloodhound’s Prestige skin is that getting the tier-one version of it would allow players to grind tiers two and three, which are different variations of the skin. Tier two, for instance, features a slight red stripe, while tier three changes the coloring of the skin to a red palette. Getting the visual to tier three also awards a finisher.

Unlocking tier two required 30,000 damage dealt, and after reaching that milestone, players have to hit another 70,000 damage to earn the last variant of the skin.

Respawn hasn’t yet detailed what the make-good measures for the interruption will be, but the fix is planned for next week. This means players who want to obtain their hard-earned Bloodhound skin may have to wait a bit longer.
