Best League of Legends champions in Patch 12.11

December 2022 · 4 minute read

A new League of Legends patch every two weeks helps to spice up the meta, chopping and changing champions for the sake of balance.

Every change has the potential to have a significant impact on the state of the game, in both professional play and solo queue. We sifted through League stats site U.GG to provide you with a list of the champions with the highest win rates in the current patch.

Here are the best champions in League Patch 12.11, according to U.GG stats.

Tahm Kench

Since a minor rework a few patches back, Tahm Kench remains at the top of the tables in solo queue. Despite being designed to be played in the top lane or in the support role, he currently boasts the highest win rate (56.15 percent) in the AD carry role.


Many had hoped that after the recent changes made to the champion, Singed would disappear from the mid lane. But he still has a sizable win rate in the position with 55.59 percent. His kit makes him tough to kill as the game goes on, and with his ultimate, along with items and Ghost, he can make roaming to other lanes easy.

Aurelion Sol

Aurelion Sol still hasn’t received a proper rework or a mid-scope update. But it looks like he doesn’t need one at the moment, considering his win rate (55.01 percent). Despite not being as mobile and not having as much sustain, he can still output tons of damage, which is probably the main reason behind his recent success.


The first and only support on the list is Janna. In season 12, she was most popular at the beginning of the year thanks to an unusual Janna top strategy. This time, though, she has the highest win rate out of champions in the support position with 54.76 percent. While she hasn’t received any major changes lately, she has always been a great utility-based support.


Zeri received tons of changes in Patch 12.11, which made her return to the solo queue as one of the best AD carries in the game. Her kit is now much easier to use, and Zeri players can now wreak havoc in a similar fashion to when she originally joined the game. At the time of writing, she has a 54.17 percent win rate.


After the durability update, Olaf cemented himself as one of the best top laners in the game. And it looks like, despite a few changes made in the most recent patch, he’s still going to be holding that title. Currently, the Berserker is almost unstoppable in the laning phase, becoming a monstrous fighter as time goes on. So far, he boasts a 54.10 percent win rate in the top lane.


The first jungler on the list might come as a surprise. Skarner has a 53.72 percent win rate at the moment. He’s always been good at shutting down hypercarries, and with those potentially becoming popular again in the meta, he could be making a return.


The same could be said about Warwick. But instead of the jungle, this champion has a 53.67 percent win rate in the top lane. With the recent changes made to the champion, he might just become a force to be reckoned with in the solo lane.


Zac is another jungler that continues the trend of jungle champions shifting to the top lane. In the jungle, a few could say that his camp clear is too slow and his ganks aren’t effective enough. Although, if you play him in the top lane, he might just provide you with that beefy, annoying front line. At the moment, he has a 53.63 percent win rate.


Last but not least, we have Volibear in the jungle. He has been one of the most popular champs in season 12’s meta, and a lot of players should by now know why. His tankiness, crowd control tools, jungle clear, and effective ganks make him a truly powerful jungler who can make a difference in many matches. He currently boasts 53.35 percent win rate.

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