It’s almost time to enter the world of Aeternum once more as New World begins its open beta testing later today.
Amazon’s entry into the MMO genre may have suffered multiple delays for its release, but things seem to be trending towards an inevitable launch date of Sept. 28, and this open beta test will be telling for how realistic this goal is.
The closed beta test held in July was a huge success for bringing new players to the game and piquing fan interest. It, however, also pointed out some series flaws present in that version of the game, with many stemming from the server stability.
The open beta test is the ultimate way for Amazon to ensure their servers are stable for all players in New World, and now we know just how many servers will be live during this weekend’s limited play window.
New World open beta server list
There will be 68 servers in total live during the open beta weekend. This list will likely change with more servers added for the game’s release.
Central EU
- Asgard
- Abaton
- Hellheim
- Harmonia
- Fae
- Albraca
- Elysium
- Annwyn
- Hyperborea
- Antillia
- Styx
- Amenti
- Romancia
- Inferni
- Muspelheim
- Runeberg
- Bifrost
- Niflheim
- Nav
- Bengodi
- Jor
- Midgard
- Lyonesse
- Jotunheim
- Duat
- Eurytheia
- Finias
- Hades
- Ganzir – DE/EN
- Silpium- DE/EN
- Utgard – DE/EN
- Ravenal – DE/EN
- Vimur – DE/EN
- Thrudheim – DE/EN
- Glyn
- Cagny
- Saena
- Urdarbrunn
- Penglai
- Baltia
- Thule
- Tir
- Na
- Nog
- Barri
- Idavoll
- Naxos
- Murias
- Bensalem
- Iroko
- Ketumati
NA West
- Camelot
- Kshira Sagara
- Celadon
- El Dorado
- Dis
- Mag Mell
- Laputa
- Lilliput
NA East
- Themiscyra
- Valhalla
- Adlivun
- Minda
- Calnogor
- Dominora
- Eden
- Sitara
- Silha
- Scheria
- Oceana
- Ruach
- Heliopolis
- Royllo
- Pleroma
- Vingolf
- Orun
- Orofena
- Olympus
South America
- Albur
- Eugea
- Apsu
- Atlantis
- Irkalla
- Tamag
- Modun
- Aratta
- Naraka
- Dunnu
- Adiri
- Ferri
- Alakapuri
- Utopia
- Buzhou
- Fusang