Most of the Legends of Runeterra tutorials are self-explanatory, with the exception of the last stage of the Noxus Overwhelm tutorial.
Overwhelm is a keyword in Legends of Runeterra (LoR) that carries damage over to an opponents Nexus after blocks. Darius, a champion in the region of Noxus, levels up when opponents Nexus is 10 or less. And he also has Overwhelm.
The purpose of the Overwhelm tutorial is to fully utilize Darius, although there are other possible combinations. But the tutorial won’t let you advance unless the following steps are followed.
- Cast Trifarian Hopeful.
- Place Trifarian Hopeful and Darius on the battlefield, but with Tirfarian in the first attack position and Darius on his right.
- Cast the spell, Might, on Trifarian Hopeful.
- Cast the spell, Whirling Death, on Darius—target him as the ally and his blocker as the recipient of damage.
- Press attack and watch the carnage unfold.
Using these specific steps fully maximizes the wrath of Darius, killing the opponent’s Nexus. Any other combination of attacks or spell casting will force the tutorial to repeat the lesson, often causing frustration.
Tutorials are a great tool when learning the LoR open beta ropes, but they aren’t a necessity. Players who complete them, however, will receive additional rewards. The official release of the Legends of Runeterra open beta is on Jan. 24 at 1pm CT.